Ash is a light brown color, though darker shades can also be seen, which is sometimes sold as Olive Ash. Sapwood can be very wide, and tends to be a beige or light brown; not always clearly or sharply demarcated from heartwood.
Also Known As: American Red Ash Primary Origin: Eastern North America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 11 oz Janka Hardness: 1,320 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,000 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,740,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 7,410 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $74.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Ash Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Birdseye Maple
Birdseye Maple is not technically a distinct species of Maple, but rather, it’s a figure that’s occasionally found in Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) trees. It’s named 'birdseye' (sometimes simply written out as: Bird’s Eye Maple) because the figure resembles small bird’s eyes.
Primary Origin: Northeastern United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 1,450 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,800 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,830,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 7,830 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $94.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Birdseye Maple Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Bloodwood is known for its obvious beautiful deep rose color. With age it's color does darken, but not significantly so it is a great wood to use in intarsia projects. The wood is very dense, with a tight fine, mostly linear grain.
Also Known As: Satine & Cardinalwood Primary Origin: South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 14 oz Janka Hardness: 2,900 lbf Rupture Strength: 25,290 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 3,013,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 14,310 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $77.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Bloodwood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Bocote is an exotic wood native to Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. It features a wide range of grain patterns from straight to wild, with curved lines and swirls. The color ranges from golden brown to tan to golden yellow. It is a hard, heavy, and dense wood, strong and stiff, with a medium texture. Mainly used for custom pool cues, cabinetry, veneer, furniture, inlays, knife handles, and pens. It polishes well with wax or polyurethane, and will take a moderately high natural gloss.
Primary Origin: Central / South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 19 oz Janka Hardness: 2,010 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,590 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,767,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,610 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $110.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Bocote Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Bubinga is an exotic wood from Central Africa. It is initially pinky-red, but darkens with age. It is popular for tool handles, decorative veneers, turnery, boatbuilding, knife handles, and can be used as an alternative to rosewood.
Also Known As: Kevazingo & African Rosewood Primary Origin: Equatorial Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 17 oz Janka Hardness: 2,410 lbf Rupture Strength: 24,410 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,670,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 10,990 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $64.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Bubinga Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Canarywood is an exotic wood that is yellow to orange in color, typically variegated with light to dark red streaking. It has a medium to high luster. It can be some what variable in density, it is mostly a hard, heavy and strong wood. Works very easily with both hand and power tools and finishes very smoothly. An exceptional exotic wood from Africa.
Primary Origin: South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 1,520 lbf Rupture Strength: 19,080 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,164,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,750 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $68.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Canarywood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Chechen's color is highly varied, with red, orange, and brown contrasted with darker stripes of blackish brown. Color tends to shift to a darker reddish brown with age.
Also Known As: Black Poisonwood & Caribbean Rosewood Primary Origin: Southeastern Mexico & Belize Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 2,400 lbf Rupture Strength: 13,490 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,253,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,270 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $98.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Chechen Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Cocobolo is an exotic wood native to Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, and is favored for custom pool cues, fine furniture and cabinetry, inlays, and musical instruments. The wood is very durable and strong, with a fine texture. It is extremely beautiful, ranging in color from dark red to reddish brown, with an irregular grain pattern. Cocobolo has fantastic working characteristics, making it a favorite for turning and carving, and finishes very smoothly.
Also Known As: Cocobola & Cocabola Primary Origin: Central America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 20 oz Janka Hardness: 2,960 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,910 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,712,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,790 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $196.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Cocobolo Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Cumaru tends to be a medium to dark brown, sometimes with a reddish or purplish hue; some pieces may have streaks of yellowish or greenish brown. It is extremely stiff, strong, and hard, lending itself well to a variety of applications. It is sometimes used in place of the much more scarce Lignum Vitae.
Also Known As: Brazilian Teak & Tonka Bean Primary Origin: Northern South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 3,330 lbf Rupture Strength: 25,390 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 3,237,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 13,850 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $76.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Cumaru Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Curley Maple
Curly Maple is not actually a species, but simply a description of a figure in the grain—it occurs most often in soft maples, but is also seen in hard maples. It is so called because the ripples in the grain pattern create a three dimensional effect that appears as if the grain has “curled” along the length of the board. Other names for this phenomenon are: tiger maple, fiddleback maple, (in reference to curly maple’s historic use for the backs and sides of violins), or flamed maple.
Also Known As: Fiddleback, Tiger, Flamed or Rippled Maple Primary Origin: Northeast United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 9 oz Janka Hardness: 1,450 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,800 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,830,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 7,830 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Out Of Stock Basic Price: $79.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Curley Maple Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
East Indian Rosewood
East Indian Rosewood can vary from a golden brown to a deep purplish brown, with darker brown streaks. The wood darkens with age, usually becoming a deep brown.
Also Known As: Sonokeling & Indian Rosewood Primary Origin: India, Sirlanka & Indonesia Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 2,440 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,590 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,668,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,660 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $121.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, East Indian Rosewood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Figured Bubinga
Figured Bubinga is an exotic wood from Central Africa. It is the same as Bubinga but with much more grain. The wood is initially pinky-red, but darkens with age. It is popular for tool handles, decorative veneers, turnery, boatbuilding, knife handles, and can be used as an alternative to rosewood.
Also Known As: Kevazingo & African Rosewood Primary Origin: Equatorial Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 17 oz Janka Hardness: 2,410 lbf Rupture Strength: 24,410 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,670,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 10,990 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $91.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Figured Bubinga Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Gaboon Ebony
Gaboon Ebony is very rare. It is usually jet-black, with little to no variation or visible grain. Occasionally dark brown or grayish-brown streaks may be present.
Also Known As: African, Nigerian or Cameroon Ebony Primary Origin: Equatorial West Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 18 oz Janka Hardness: 3,220 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,930 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,449,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,060 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $233.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Gaboon Ebony Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Hickory is very dense and has good shock resistance and steam-bending properties. Sands, turns, stains, and polishes well.
Also Known As: Shagbark Hickory Primary Origin: Eastern United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 1,880 lbf Rupture Strength: 20,200 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,160,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,210 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:1 In Stock Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Hickory Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Honduran Rosewood
Honduran Rosewood's color can range from a deep brownish-purple to a light-brown. Most common is a brownish-mauve color.
Also Known As: Honduras Rosewood Primary Origin: Belize (British Honduras) Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 2,200 lbf Rupture Strength: (Data Not Available) Elasticity: 3,190,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: (Data Not Available) Endangered Species: Yes Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $137.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Honduran Rosewood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Imbuya coors can vary substantially; typically medium to dark brown, sometimes with a reddish, golden, or olive-colored cast.
Also Known As: Imbuia, Imbuya & Embuya Primary Origin: Southern Brazil Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 11 oz Janka Hardness: 970 lbf Rupture Strength: 12,290 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,394,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 6,780 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $64.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Imbuya Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Ipe is from Central and South America. It can vary in color from a reddish brown, to a more yellowish olive brown, to a dark blackish brown; sometimes with contrasting darker brown/black stripes. It can be difficult to distinguish visually from Cumaru, another dense South American timber, though Ipe tends to be darker.
Also Known As: Brazilian Walnut & Lapacho Primary Origin: Central / South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 3,510 lbf Rupture Strength: 25,660 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 3,200,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 13,600 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:6 In Stock Basic Price: $91.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, IPE Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Jarrah is an exotic wood from Australia. It's color ranges from a light red or brown to a darker brick red. It tends to darken with exposure to light over time. It is very durable regarding decay resistance.
Primary Origin: Western Australia Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 15 oz Janka Hardness: 1,860 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,650 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,132,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,600 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $77.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Jarrah Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Jatoba is an exotic wood that runs from salmon-red to orange-brown. It darkens into a russet to reddish-brown color after drying, and it is frequently marked with dark streaks. It is reported to have good strength qualities and can be used in structural applications for which Oak would be suitable. It is reported to be similar to the African species, Tchitola, Black locust, and is superior to White oak.
Also Known As: Brazilian Cherry Primary Origin: South America/West Indies Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 15 oz Janka Hardness: 2,690 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,510 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,745,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,780 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $78.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Jatoba Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Kingwood is a dark purplish or reddish brown with darker black streaks. Grain is usually straight; occasionally interlocked. Fine, uniform texture and a high natural luster
Also Known As: Violetta Primary Origin: Brazil (ocasionally Mexico) Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 3,340 lbf Rupture Strength: 0 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 0 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 0 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $162.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Kingwood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Macacauba can be highly variable, ranging from a bright red to a darker reddish or purplish brown, frequently with darker stripes. When the wood is referred to as “Hormigo,” various suffixes are used to describe the heartwood color: “Hormigo Negro” for darker pieces or “Hormigo Rojo” for orangish red pieces.
Also Known As: Grandadillo, Hormigo, Macawood or Orange Agate Primary Origin: Central & South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 2,700 lbf Rupture Strength: 21,540 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,837,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,700 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $89.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Macacauba Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Macassar Ebony
Macassar Ebony has a dramatic striped appearance, somewhat similar to Zebrawood. Light to reddish brown body with darker brown or black stripes.
Also Known As: Striped Ebony Primary Origin: Southeast Asia Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 19 oz Janka Hardness: 3,220 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,790 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,515,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,630 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:1 In Stock Basic Price: $147.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Macassar Ebony Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Makore's heartwood is pink or reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of mild color variation. Yellowish sapwood can be two to three inches wide, and is clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Figured grain patterns (such as mottled or curly) are a common occurrence.
Also Known As: Douka & Cherry Mahogany Primary Origin: Western / Middle Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 14 oz Janka Hardness: 1,200 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,330 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,552,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,290 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $60.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Makore Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Olivewood is an exotic wood that is native to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. It has a sentimental and religious significance to several cultures and religions. The wood is hard and strong, and has fantastic working characteristics, making it a favorite for wood turning and carving. What makes this hardwood so unique is the extraordinary grain pattern of each individual piece, as well as the distinctive and inviting fragrance that it gives off. It even becomes darker, richer, and more beautiful in color as it ages! It has long been a favorite for religious, historical, and artistic artifacts. It finishes very smoothly, to a high polish.
Primary Origin: Europe / Eastern Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 2,700 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,530 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,577,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,180 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $62.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Olivewood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Osage Orange
Osage Orange is an exotic wood from South America that is very dense. It is popular for turnery, handles, musical instruments and custom bows.
Also Known As: Bois d'arc & Horse or Hedge Apple Primary Origin: South / Central United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 14 oz Janka Hardness: 2,760 lbf Rupture Strength: 18,650 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,689,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,380 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $69.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Osage Orange Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Padauk is an exotic wood that is a bright orange or almost crimson wood when freshly cut, but oxidizes to a darker, rich purple-brown over time - although it stays redder than Indian Rosewood. Slightly harder and heavier than Indian Rosewood it is a good wood in all respects - stable, and easy to work with. It often grows in small groups and is reported to be common in dense equatorial rain forests.
Also Known As: African Padauk & Vermillion Primary Origin: Tropical Central Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 1,630 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,830 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,754,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,130 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $69.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Padauk Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Panama Rosewood
Panama Rosewood is typically a cinnamon brown, heartwood color can be highly variable, ranging from a light brown to a deep, russet brown. Grain tends to be somewhat bland, but darker streaks or swirled grain is occasionally present. Sharply demarcated sapwood is pale yellow. Overall appearance is very similar to Honduran Rosewood.
Also Known As: Yucatan & Nicaraguan Rosewood Primary Origin: Central & South America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 11 oz Janka Hardness: 1,210 lbf Rupture Strength: 10,160 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,125,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 5,260 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $117.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Panama Rosewood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Peruvian Walnut
Peruvian Walnut is a dark chocolate-colored walnut which often contains black lines and streaks and can sometimes be tinted (in this case, usually purple, when found). Not unlike its American cousin, Black Walnut, it typically has straight grain patterns (which can also occasionally be irregular), a medium to course texture and a good natural luster.
Also Known As: Nogal, Tocte and Southeast or Tropical Walnut Primary Origin: S. Mexico / Central America Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 11 oz Janka Hardness: 1,020 lbf Rupture Strength: 11,160 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,132,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 6,550 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Peruvian Walnut Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Poplar is a utility wood in nearly every sense. It’s used for pallets, crates, upholstered furniture frames, paper (pulpwood), and plywood. Poplar veneer is also used for a variety of applications: either dyed in various colors, or on hidden undersides of veneered panels to counteract the pull of the glue on an exposed side that has been veneered with another, more decorative wood species.
Also Known As: Tulip or Yellow Popular Primary Origin: Eastern United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 12 oz Janka Hardness: 540 lbf Rupture Strength: 10,100 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,580,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 5,540 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $49.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Poplar Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
When Purpleheart is freshly cut the heartwood is a dull grayish/purplish brown. Upon exposure the wood becomes a deeper eggplant purple. With further age and exposure to UV light, the wood becomes a dark brown with a hint of purple. This color-shift can be slowed and minimized by using a UV inhibiting finish on the wood.
Also Known As: Amaranth, Roxinho & Violeta Primary Origin: Mexico / Southern Brazil Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 15 oz Janka Hardness: 2,390 lbf Rupture Strength: 22,000 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,937,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 12,140 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Purpleheart Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Red Oak
Red Oak is a light to medium brown, commonly with a reddish cast.
Primary Origin: NE & SE United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 10 oz Janka Hardness: 1,220 lbf Rupture Strength: 14,380 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,761,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 6,780 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $49.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Red Oak Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Red Zebrawood
Red Zebrawood colors range from golden yellow brown to a deeper reddish brown, frequently with darker black streaks and stripes.
Also Known As: Ebiara, Berlinia and Poculi Rosewood Primary Origin: West Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 1,280 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,890 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,616,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,040 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Red Zebrawood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Santos Mahogany
Santos Mahogany has a fair degree of color variation between their boards, ranging from a lighter golden brown to a darker purplish red or burgundy. The color tends to turn more red/purple with age.
Also Known As: Cabreuva Primary Origin: South America & Mexico Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 2,400 lbf Rupture Strength: 21,570 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,380,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,680 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $91.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Santos Mahogany Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Sapelle is a golden to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. The Common ribbern patterns can have other figured grain patterns such as pommele, quilted, mottled wavy beeswing and fiddleback.
Also Known As: Sapele, Sapelli or Sapeli Primary Origin: Tropical Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 11 oz Janka Hardness: 1,410 lbf Rupture Strength: 15,930 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,746,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 8,750 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:4 In Stock Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Sapele Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Shedua has varying shades of yellowish to reddish brown with darker brown, gray, or black stripes. Moderately wide sapwood is a pale yellow, clearly demarcated from heartwood. Sometimes seen with a curly or mottled grain pattern. It is very similar in appearance to Tropical Olivewood.
Also Known As: Ovangkol, Amazique, Amazoue & Mozambique Primary Origin: Tropical West Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 12 oz Janka Hardness: 1,330 lbf Rupture Strength: 20,350 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,701,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,320 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $68.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Shedua Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Tigerwood is typically a medium reddish brown with irregularly spaced streaks of dark brown to black. Color tends to darken with age.
Also Known As: Goncalo Alves, Jobillo & Muiracatiara Primary Origin: Mexico / Brazil Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 12 oz Janka Hardness: 2,250 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,970 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,401,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 10,770 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $84.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Tigerwood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Tulipwood is an exotic wood native to the tropical region of South America, mainly Brazil. It is a hard and heavy wood, with a rather fine texture. The sapwood is a solid yellow color, while the heartwood color ranges from a pink to a darker red, with a straw colored background. Tulipwood is excellent for wood turning, as well as knife handles, furniture, and cabinets. It is a lustrous wood, has excellent polishing qualities, and glues well.
Primary Origin: Northeastern Brazil Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 16 oz Janka Hardness: 2,500 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,970 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,401,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 0 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $110.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Tulipwood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Walnut can range from a lighter pale brown to a dark chocolate brown with darker brown streaks. Color can sometimes have a grey, purple, or reddish cast. Sapwood is pale yellow-gray to nearly white.
Primary Origin: Eastern United States Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 12 oz Janka Hardness: 1,010 lbf Rupture Strength: 14,600 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 1,680,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 7,580 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $85.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Walnut Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Wenge is dark enough to be used as a substitute for ebony. It is medium brown, sometimes with a reddish or yellowish hue, with nearly black streaks. Upon application of a wood finish (particularly an oil finish) the wood can become nearly black.
Primary Origin: Central Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 14 oz Janka Hardness: 1,930 lbf Rupture Strength: 21,990 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,550,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 11,710 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:
Not Available Basic Price: $71.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Wenge Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Yellowheart is from Brazil. Color range from pale to golden yellow, darkening only slightly with age.
Also Known As: Pau Amarello Primary Origin: Brazil Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 15 oz Janka Hardness: 1,790 lbf Rupture Strength: 16,810 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,413,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 10,080 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: No Status:2 In Stock Basic Price: $69.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Yellowheart Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)
Zebrawood is an exotic wood native to the Western African countries of Cameroon and Gabon. It is a hard wood, with a medium to coarse texture. The Zebra-like appearance is due to the light colored sapwood in contrast with the dark colored grain. Zebrawood is excellent for wood turning, veneer, furniture, pens, and knife handles. It works and finishes fairly, and has good gluing properties.
Also Known As: Zebrano Primary Origin: West Africa Appx weight (1" dia x 37" long unbuilt shaft only): 13 oz Janka Hardness: 2,097 lbf Rupture Strength: 17,800 lbf/in2 Elasticity: 2,374,000 lbf/in2 Crushing Strength: 9,210 lbf/in2 Endangered Species: Yes Status:3 In Stock Basic Price: $95.00
(Price shown includes Brass Top, Zebrawood Shaft & HD Rubber Tip)