StepinStiks - Designed by You, Built by Us!
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Customer Testimonial Results

Our Stiks are Averaging a 4.90 Out of 5 Star Rating.        Let's hear from YOU!
4 Testimonials Found for KS.         Click HERE To Enter Your Comments and Rate Your Stik!
On Aug 8, 2021 at 2:26 PM Andrew of Edson, KS wrote: 5 Star Rating
I just received my first StepinStik. It's absolutely beautiful! Very comfortable and sturdy. I love all the options. Perfect craftsmanship. When I first came across this website I was very hesitant to order because of the price. I'm so glad I did. It's worth every penny.

On Jan 3, 2010 at 7:45 PM Big John of Wichita, KS wrote: 5 Star Rating
I bought my first BubbaStik in 2004, I have 4 stiks. Three are all beat up and look need refinishing. I am ordering a new formal black stik. I walk with a cane due to an auto accident. The hame tip is the most comfortable cane handle I have ever used.

On Mar 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM Brian of Topeka, KS wrote: 5 Star Rating
The Greatest. I am now on my third stik, and love the product. The one I have now is engraved with my initials. Possibly this one will stay with me longer. Other people seem to like mine better than I do!

On Mar 10, 2009 at 7:05 AM Patrick of Kansas City, KS wrote: 5 Star Rating

My name is Patrick and I am 42. I have both knees tore up and just got my BubbaStik in the mail today. I have to say it's great! The cut length is perfect and it's very snappy looking as well. Let's see how long I keep this one before it disappears. The last one I had was gone out of my cart when I stepped into a changing room to try on some jeans. I guess it just shows how much people love your BubbaStiks.

Again... THANKS Patrick

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