The fonts graphics below are shown with the approximate full engraved size noted below each photo.
The number of characters you choose will limit the size that will be engraved.
The maximum characters shown below are based upon using Upper Case ONLY.
If you prefer something other than what our page will allow, please contact BubbaSam with your request.
Block (Appx 5/16" high) |
The BLOCK Font... (most popular and best fit) Can be used on Line 1 or 2, up to 3 characters full size, 4 characters will be reduced in size on line 2. |
Double Script (Appx 3/8" high) |
The DOUBLE SCRIPT Font... Can be used on Line 1 or 2, up to 3 characters, usually reduced slightly, 4 characters will be reduced in size on line 2.
Italic Script (Appx 1/2" high) |
The ITALIC SCRIPT Font... Can be used on Line 1 or 2, up to 2 characters full size on line 1, 3 characters will be reduced in size on line 2.
Big Script (Appx 3/4" high) |
The BIG SCRIPT Font... Can be used on Line 1 only with 1 character |