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Today is Friday Feb 7, 2025
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[Feb 09]
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[Feb 12]
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[Feb 12]
Site Code by: BubbaSam
"A Place Where You Can Custom Build Your VERY Own Unique Walking Stik and MORE..."
We've been providing some of the finest, most comfortable, custom built walking stiks and accessories internationally
going on 23
years, each one designed by our customer and built by us.
A Random Testimonial Out Of 432 - See & Read More...
On Mar 68, 2022 at 4:57 PM Steve of Wilmont, MN wrote:
Steve gave us a 5 Star Rating!
I have been required to use a cane because of a recent injury. While on vacation we visited Luckenbach Texas and while going thru the gift store I came across the assorted walking sticks on display. The Bubba Stik caught my eye and as soon as I had it my hand I knew I had to have it! Fast foreword a month we are back home and made a trip to Sioux Falls for a doctor appt. Later we were doing some shopping and after parking and crossing the street to enter a store a man approached us walking very fast. He leapt at us like he was going to attack us. He stopped I think because I didn't flinch but really scaring my wife. I raised my Bubba Stik like a baseball bat and loudly informed him I was going to knock his head off if he didn't back off. He took one look at the knob and backed up a few steps. I then took a step toward him with the Stik still raised and told him to go away or I would swing. By then a few young men came along and told me they had my back but said it looked like I had things under control. I told my wife later that even when I don't need a cane for walking I'm still going to use my Bubba Stik when we travel to a bigger city!